B Sides

B Sides

"The B side of a record is where the deep cuts live—the complex, idiosyncratic songs that true connoisseurs appreciate most."

In this spirit, Claire Lampert and Stacy Daily founded B Sides, a brand that embraces the beauty and unique character of imperfection. Inspired by the longtime friends' shared obsession with sourcing and collecting antique denim, their collection of vintage patch-worked styles splice together different washes and colours for a one-of-a-kind look. They have also introduced a denim collection using new material, sourced from family-owned mills in Georgia and North Carolina that maintain the depth and texture of their vintage finds. 

B Sides Leroy Jean / Stil Black
B sides Slim Lasso Jean / Liesl Blue
B sides Rib Tank / Snow White
B Sides Rib Tank / Marine Overdye
b sides Rib Tank / Daphne Overdye
B sides Relaxed Lasso / Hyde Wash
Vintage Insert Skirt / Vintage Indigo
B Sides Hill Skirt / Super Light Vintage
B Sides Plein Jean / Stil Black
B Sides Reworked Culotte / Vintage Indigo
B-Sides Pocket Tank / Marine
B-Sides Pocket Tank / Black